Property Tax — Chrissy & Steven Stone, Realtors®


Mello-Roos Assessments

When purchasing your new home, your future monthly payments will be made up of principal, interest, real property taxes and insurance, and in some instances a tax for the Community Facilities District, otherwise known as a Mello-Roos District. 

Mello-Roos District is an area where a special tax is imposed on those real property owners within a Community Facilities District. This district has chosen to seek public financing through the sale of bonds for the purpose of financing certain public improvements and services. These services may include streets, water, sewage and drainage, electricity, infrastructure, schools, parks and police protection to newly developing areas. The tax you pay is used to make the payments of principal and interest on the bonds.

For more innfo about Mello-Roos and to look up details of bonds affecting a particular property click link below.. 

General Info on Property Tax


Property Tax Relief

On November 3, 2020, California voters approved Proposition 19, The Home Protection for Seniors, Severely Disabled, Families, and Victims of Wildfire or Natural Disasters Act. To assist taxpayers, the following tabs provide general information on Proposition 19. Please visit the California State Board of Equalization (BOE) website.